Irresistable Offers and Retention

Your Ultimate Recruitment Toolkit

Here's everything you need to know about hiring your new starter - from finding the best candidates to making a good impression during their onboarding.

Creating Irresistible Offers



Craft a Compelling Offer Package

Present an offer that clearly outlines the salary, benefits, and any additional perks. Ensure all aspects are explained in detail, including health benefits, retirement plans, and any other incentives. This transparency helps the candidate fully understand the value of the offer and how it aligns with their needs.


Communicate Clearly and Promptly

Once the offer is made, provide a clear and detailed explanation of the terms, including role expectations, start date, and any necessary paperwork. Maintain prompt and transparent communication to address any questions or concerns the candidate may have.


Engage Regularly Before Start Date

Keep the candidate engaged and excited about their new role by providing regular updates and information about the company culture, team introductions, and onboarding processes. Share helpful resources or invite them to pre-start events to foster a sense of belonging and anticipation.


Personalie the Onboarding Experience

Tailor the onboarding process to meet the candidate’s individual needs and preferences. Offer a personalized welcome, assign a mentor or buddy, and provide a structured plan for their first days. This personalized approach helps ensure a smooth transition and reinforces their decision to join your team.

A seamless pattern of black polka dots on a white background.

Guide To Offers and Retention.


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