There were just over 1.63 million temporary workers (also called temps) in the UK in July 2021. Almost 10,000 vacancies for temporary workers being advertised in Staffordshire and Cheshire. Temporary workers provide significant benefits to companies in the industrial sector. Firstly, they can help businesses when they are understaffed or need temporary extra help with a project. Secondly, they are able to do the work that requires significant training but is not necessarily their core business. They can also give a business an edge in markets where response time is essential.
However, there is a significant difference in managing temporary workers compared to managing permanent employees. Particularly if you want to retain temps long term or have them available to return to you when you need them.
So, how do you manage temporary workers for success?
The word “temp” still sometimes comes with the negative perceptions. Do you still think of temps as an unskilled person, who completes mindless tasks, just clocking in each day until you don’t need them? This does little for attracting temporary workers and especially in the industrial sector.
Temporary workers should be made to feel part of the team. It may sound obvious but don’t refer to them as “the temp”, refer to them as Bob or Jenny or whatever their name is. As a manger, the wider team will follow your behaviour. Introduce them properly to the people they will be working with. Tnvite them to take part in meetings and ensure they receive important correspondence relevant to the project they are working on. Make sure to invite your temps to events that may be happening whilst they are with you.
Temporary workers often know other temporary workers due to the opportunity of building a wide network between employers. By treating your temporary workers well and as part of the team, you’ll get the best from them when they are with you. They’ll also become an ambassador for your business when recruiting other temporary workers.
Don’t just give your new temps the minimum induction or training needed to fulfil legal or compliance obligations such as health and safety. Providing your temporary employees with comprehensive induction programmes, clear job descriptions, and managing their expectations from day one shows they are a valued member of your team. Make sure you give your temporary worker all the information they need to perform their job so they can perform to the best of their ability.
Of course, regular feedback from the temporary workers manager makes sure they are working to the required standard. However also speak to the temporary worker for their feedback. Check how they are getting on, that they are happy and even find out if they have any ideas for improvement. Whilst your permanent employees have the benefit of long-term knowledge of your business, a temporary worker may be able to see areas for improvement that other workers are too close to see. Asking for feedback from your temporary worker lets them know their opinion is wanted and will make them feel like a valued member of the team.
Another reason many people choose to do temporary work is to diversify their skills and experience. This may benefit your business too. Ask your temporary workers what other experience and skills they have. Whilst you may have taken them on to fulfil a gap in your current manufacturing process, you may find that they have skills in project management that could support in another aspect of your business.
When a project comes to an end, stay in touch with temporary workers that have been good members of the team. When recruiting either permanent or temporary workers in the future, they should be the first people you contact to return. It reduces the amount of time spent training, encourages loyalty, and shows that you recognise the valuable contribution temporary workers bring.
As you may have seen, there is a common theme running through this article when it comes to managing temporary workers for success and that’s making them feel valued. This is no different for permanent, contract or temporary workers. The more employees feel valued, the more motivated, reliable, loyal, and productive they are. Also the good vibes will permeate throughout your business if everyone feels valued.
If you need help with recruiting temporary industrial workers, contact Appointments Personnel today. We are a complete recruitment partner that can provide bespoke solutions to your recruitment needs for industrial staff. We’ve been supporting businesses throughout Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire and Cheshire for many years. Our Industrial Specialist, Talia, has a deep pool of industrial staff. Talia will react quickly to your staffing needs and will help you recruit the best candidates for your jobs.